Designation of Origin: Deutscher Landwein Main
Vintage: 2023
Grape(s): Regent 55% , Domina 25%, Schwarzriesling 10%, Pinot Gris 5% and 5 % of a small plot on the hillside planted to a mix of red Piwis: Cabernet Jura, Cabertine, Cabernet Cortis, Monarch.
Vinification: Regent, Domina and the red Piwis were foot-stomped, macerated overnight and pressed the next day. Schwarzriesling was destemmed and on the skins for five days. Pinot gris was on the skins for 5 days with stems.
Aging: A mix of half and half stainless and used barrels + half a year in bottle before release
Bottled: 24th of August 2024
Soil type: Gipskeuper
Age of vines: The Regent was planted in 2001, the Domina in 1972. The Pinot Gris was on its fourth leaf for the 2023 vintage. The red piwis were planted in 2016. The Schwarzriesling was planted in 1995.
Sulfur: All of our wines had a microdose of sulfur pre-bottling, and analyses came back under 20mg total.
A note about the name: